On Saturday August 18th, 2018, 173 volunteers and children from up and down the Roaring Fork Valley came out to El Jebel and constructed a playground in just ONE day!  To all the volunteers, businesses, organizations and government agencies who made this project a success: THANK YOU!

Thanks to your enthusiasm, your generosity, your dedication to community, and quite literally your blood, sweat and tears, there is now  a beautiful playground that the children of El Jebel will benefit from for years to come.

This was an incredible community effort, and we couldn’t be more grateful to ALL of our volunteers, donors and partners. The Colorado Health Foundation made this playground possible, and we could not have done it without the wonderful folks at Crawford Properties, KaBOOM!, and Eagle County.

Our other amazing donors and volunteering organizations include:

Alpine Bank | Aspen Skiing Company | Basalt & Rural Fire Protection District | Bella Mia | Bethel Party Rentals | Caleta Construction | Casey Concrete | City Market | DJ Javi G | Dreamtime Water | El Dorado Springs, Inc. | High-Con Inc. | Honey Tree Preschool | Hughes Excavation | Margarita Flores | Mi Fiesta Rental | Mountain Family Health Centers | Mountain Waste | Panaderia & Deli San Miguel | Raising a Reader | Roaring Fork School District | Storm’s Specialty Services, Inc. | Sweet Coloradough | Starbucks | Target | Tequila’s El Jebel | Tricolor | Valley Lumber | Valley View Hospital

The photographer Paul Hilts came out and took some great photos of the day.